Waterproof repair tape in black - new - 1.50 m
GRATIS Lieferung am 11 March bis 13 March bei Bestellung in
The waterproof adhesive, sealing and repair tape from DIP-Tools is the revolution in the field of adhesive tapes. Thanks to innovative technology, the adhesive tape is the perfect choice for all bonding and sealing work involving water and moisture. It can even be used in salt water. Aquatape is particularly suitable for repairing pools and gutters, but can also be used as a universal adhesive tape in almost all areas thanks to its enormous adhesive strength. The waterproof repair and sealing tape from DIP-Tools masters surfaces such as wood, plastic, rubber, concrete, metal or glass without any problems. The self-adhesive repair tape also clings effortlessly to uneven areas. The tape seals immediately and is a simple, fast and above all long-lasting alternative to expensive repair work. In addition, the sun and other environmental influences cannot harm your repair due to UV and weather-resistant properties.
Note: The revolutionary DIP-Tools repair tape can be used in the following areas: plumbing, roofs, rainwater gutters, pipes, cars, bicycles, motorcycles, boats, backpacks, water sports (floating suits, surfboards...), swimming pools, truck tarpaulins, umbrellas, etc
Technical characteristics of waterproof repair tape
- Color: Black
- Length: 150cm, width 10cm
- Tensile strength 2.4 N/mm²
- Temperature range -15°C - 100°C
- chemical resistant
- Suitable for EPDM
- self-adhesive
- UV-resistant
Instructions for the optimal use of the waterproof repair tape
- Surface must be free of dirt/dust and oil
- The leakage should be covered by 5 cm on all sides (corresponds to a foil dimension of 11 cm for a hole with a diameter of 1 cm)
- Cut the tape and stick it to the surface to be repaired or sealed, avoiding touching the adhesive surface if possible
Storage instructions for the waterproof repair tape
- Store in a dark and dry place at 15°C - 24°C room temperature
- Shelf life min. 2 years (if stored correctly)
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