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13 products
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DIP-Tools Klebestift I Rechteckig für präzises Auftragen - neu - 4x18g
Unit price 1,53€ per 100mlDIP-Tools Klebestift I Rechteckig für präzises Auftragen - neu - 4x18g
Unit price 1,53€ per 100mlIdeal zum Basteln
Unser Klebestift ist ein vielseitiges Werkzeug und eignet sich ideal für Bastelarbeiten, da er einen zuverlässigen Halt auf Papier, Karton, Stoff und anderen Materialien bietet. Der Bastelkleber ist sicher in der Anwendung, so dass Sie ihre Kreativität frei entfalten können, ohne sich Gedanken über Klebespuren oder Kleckse machen zu müssen.
Für Kinder und Erwachsene
Durch seine starke Haftung, schnelltrocknenden Eigenschaften und seine Transparenz, ist der Kleberoller ideal für Erwachsene und Kinder geeignet. Mit unserem DIP-Tools Klebestick sind Ihnen keine Grenzen gesetzt, so gelingen Ihre Kunstwerke professionell und sauber.
Schulprojekte: Kinder können den DIP-Tools Bastelkleber ideal bei Schulprojekten verwenden, egal ob Poster, Präsentationen, Modellbau, Holztechnik oder andere kreative Aufgaben.
Reparaturen: Unser Klebestift kann perfekt zum Reparieren von Papier, Büchern, Zeitschriften oder anderen wichtigen Dokumenten verwendet werden.
DIY-Projekte: Bei DIY-Projekten zu Hause kann der Klebstift für das Zusammenfügen von Papier, Karton, Stoff und anderen Materialien verwendet werden.
Handwerkliche Arbeiten: In handwerklichen Aufgaben, sei es beim Bau von Modellen, beim Herstellen von Karten oder beim Verzieren von Geschenken, ist unser Klebestift ein praktisches Werkzeug.
Schulbedarf: Der Klebestick sind ein unverzichtbares Schulbedarfsprodukt für Schülerinnen und Schüler aller Altersstufen, um Dokumente zu befestigen, Arbeitsblätter zu kleben und andere schulische Aufgaben zu erledigen.
The odorless and colorless superglue from DIP-Tools offers maximum strength with an extremely wide range of applications and is therefore the first choice in the field of fast-hardening all-purpose glue. It can be used on a wide range of materials such as craft glue, rubber glue, ceramic glue and metal glue. You can even use the DIP-Tools superglue as wood glue. The odorless superglue takes effect just 10 seconds after application and hand strength is achieved for many materials. After a short hardening, the odorless superglue offers a very high final strength. The product is also suitable for sensitive gluing work, because its colorlessness means it can be processed without a trace and efflorescence and white haze are a thing of the past. When developing the DIP tool superglue, we paid particular attention to safety for the user. On the one hand, the product can be used anywhere thanks to its odorless, RoHs-compliant formulation. On the other hand, our ergonomic, soft bottle made in Germany ensures optimal application - without any sticky fingers.
Note: The odorless superglue is suitable for materials such as rubber, metal, wood, aluminium, ABS, polycarbonate and PVC. Please use our primer for plastics that are difficult to bond, such as PE and PP.
Technical properties of the odorless instant glue
- Base: methoxyethyl cyanoacrylate
- Color: transparent, colorless
- Viscosity: 25°C (Brookfield) approx. 120 - 170 mPa.s
- Density: 1.11 g/cm³
- Gap filling capacity: 0.15 mm
- Temperature resistance from: -40 to +80°C
- Handling strength: 5 - 90 seconds
- Final strength: 24 hours
- moisture curing
- 100% odorless
- Label-free, RoHs compliant
Fixing times of the odorless superglue
- ABS: 10-20 seconds
- Mild Steel: 5-10 seconds
- Polycarbonate: 20-35 seconds
- Aluminum: 5-10 seconds
- Pine wood: 5-10 seconds
- Beech wood: 15-25 seconds
- PVC: 10-20 seconds
Instructions for the optimal use of the odorless superglue
- The parts to be bonded must be clean and free of oil and grease.
- Apply DIP-Tools superglue thinly to one side
- Join the parts to be connected and press together
- The parts should be positioned as precisely as possible because of the sometimes short fixing time (adhesive is hand-tight after 5 - 90 seconds).
- The optimum relative humidity should be around 65%
Storage instructions for the odorless superglue
- Store cool (5°C to 8°C), dark and dry
- Storage time: at least 12 months (if stored correctly)
- VERY LOW ODOR - You don't want to air it out for a long time and have strong smells after using sanitary silicone? Our bathroom silicone has very little odor thanks to its neutral cross-linking system.
- EASY APPLICATION - The kitchen silicone is particularly easy to work with thanks to its high-quality composition. This makes the silicone suitable for sealing and for silicone joints.
- OPTIMAL ADHESION - The high-quality, permanently elastic silicone sealant withstands the highest demands. The sanitary putty is resistant to aging, weathering and a variety of chemicals.
- FUNGICIDE EQUIPPED - This means that the silicone is able to protect surfaces from fungal attack, which makes the bathroom silicone ideal for sanitary and wet areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and outdoor areas.
- VERSATILE - The silicone works optimally in many areas. Whether for sealing joints, sanitary facilities, glass bonding and showcase construction or for sealing profile glass.

Kintsugikleber I schnelltrocknend und lange haltbar - neu - 25g
Unit price 355,20€ per kgKintsugikleber I schnelltrocknend und lange haltbar - neu - 25g
Unit price 355,20€ per kgEntdecken Sie die Kunst der Kintsugi-Reparatur mit unserem exklusiven DIP-TOOLS Kintsugi Porzellankleber Reparatur Set. Unser Set ist Ihre Eintrittskarte zu einer Welt der kunstvollen Reparatur, welche kaputtes Porzellan, Keramik und mehr in faszinierende Kunstwerke verwandelt.
Traditionelle Reparatur
Kintsugi ist eine alte japanische Reparaturmethode für Keramik und Porzellan, die tief in der ästhetischen Philosophie des "Wabi Sabi" des Zen-Buddhismus verwurzelt ist.
Die Kintsugi-Philosophie spiegelt den zeitgenössischen Geist der Nachhaltigkeit wider, indem sie Kaputtes und Beschädigtes nicht einfach wegwerfen lässt, sondern es aufwertet. Durch diese Praxis wird sofort das Bewusstsein für die Vergänglichkeit jeder Sache geschärft, selbst wenn Keramik und Porzellan zu den haltbarsten Materialien der Menschheitsgeschichte gehören.
Einfache Anwendung
Mit unserem Kintsugi-Kit Reparatur-Kleber wird die Reparatur Ihrer Stücke zum Kinderspiel. Einfach den Kleber auf die beschädigten Stellen auftragen und die Porzellanteile zusammenfügen. Die Reparatur mit unserem Porzellan-Set ist im Handumdrehen erledigt, und die Ergebnisse sprechen für sich.
Erschaffen Sie Neues
Die japanische Wabi-Sabi-Ästhetik zielt darauf ab, die Unvollkommenheit eines jeden Gegenstandes zu offenbaren, wobei kleine Imperfektionen bewusst sichtbar gemacht werden. Kintsugi-Porzellan illustriert dieses Konzept auf eindrucksvolle Weise, indem die feinen silbernen und goldenen Linien den Blick auf die Bruchstellen lenken und so ihre Schönheit betonen.
Vielseitig Nutzbar
Es lassen sich die verschiedensten Dinge mit unserem Emaille- Reparaturkleber restaurieren, wie z.B Vasen, Töpfe, Schalen, Schüsseln, Kannen, Henkel und vieles mehr. Vor allem bei Gegenständen welche eine hohe emotionale Bindung mit sich tragen, ist diese Art der Reparatur sehr empfehlenswert.
DIP-Tools Premium universal seal is suitable for a wide variety of areas, e.g. B. roof, wall, wet cells suitable. In the automotive sector as a supplement to underbody protection and as a brushable seam seal. The creation of watertightness for skylights, skylights, eaves, pipe junctions, wall connections, chimney connections outside, outside ventilation etc. The sealing of balconies and terraces under tiles and
Coverings and against moisture in cracks and fractures in masonry is possible without any problems. It is suitable for substrates such as B. Styrofoam, plastics, concrete, wood, stone, metal, sanded roofing felt. It achieves crack bridging of at least 10 mm, is UV resistant and not sensitive to spray and rain water (even during curing).
Instructions for optimal use of the universal seal
The surfaces must be solid, load-bearing and free from contaminants (dust, oil, dirt, etc.). Thoroughly remove any residue from previous coatings. DIP-Tools Premium universal seal has excellent adhesion to many building materials such as concrete, glass, screed, ceramics, tiles, wood and various metals such as aluminium, steel, zinc and copper.
No discoloration in the metals, even unpainted. Bitumen can cause discoloration. Please always carry out preliminary tests! DIP-Tools Premium universal sealing can also be used without a primer on damp surfaces, but not in standing water.
DIP-Tools Premium universal sealing can be used directly from the container, only prior stirring is required. It can be applied with a roller or brush/broad brush in a thickness of 2 layers of 1 mm each. After drying, a layer thickness of approx. 2 mm should have been achieved. Apply the second layer only after the first layer has completely dried (approx. 3 hours at 23°C and 50% relative humidity).
After 12 hours (at 23°C and 50% relative humidity) the treated area is completely dry and subsequent activities can be started. Temperature fluctuations and/or changes in humidity can lead to delayed curing. Consumption approx. 1.4 - 2.0 kg/m². Connection and expansion joints must be prepared accordingly in order to achieve optimal results. Professional backing material is essential here (e.g. polyethylene foamed into strands). For optimal elasticity of the sealant over the joints, assume a 2:1 or max. 1:1 width/depth ratio of the joint (minimum joint width 6 mm, maximum 20 mm).

Sekundenkleber 6x3ml extra stark, schnelltrocknend & ablauffest - neu
Unit price 49,33€ per 100gSekundenkleber 6x3ml extra stark, schnelltrocknend & ablauffest - neu
Unit price 49,33€ per 100gExtra starke Haftung
Der DIP-Tools Sekundenkleber zeichnet sich durch seine außergewöhnlich starke Klebkraft aus. Er wurde entwickelt, um selbst den anspruchsvollsten Anforderungen gerecht zu werden und bietet eine stabile und dauerhafte Verbindung. Diese Eigenschaft macht ihn ideal für schwere und belastbare Anwendungen, bei denen eine robuste Klebeverbindung erforderlich ist.
Zeit ist ein kostbares Gut. Deshalb ist dieser Sekundenkleber darauf ausgelegt, innerhalb weniger Sekunden eine feste Verbindung zu bilden. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie nicht lange warten müssen, bis Ihre Projekte fertig sind. Egal, ob Sie eine dringende Reparatur durchführen oder ein schnelles Bastelprojekt umsetzen möchten, dieser Kleber sorgt für sofortige Ergebnisse.
Präzision ist entscheidend, wenn es um Klebearbeiten geht. Der DIP-Tools Sekundenkleber bleibt genau dort, wo Sie ihn auftragen. Er verläuft nicht und tropft nicht, was Ihnen eine saubere und präzise Anwendung ermöglicht. Diese Eigenschaft ist besonders nützlich bei der Arbeit an senkrechten Flächen oder in engen Bereichen, in denen Genauigkeit unerlässlich ist.
Vielseitige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
Unser Sekundenkleber ist für eine Vielzahl von Materialien geeignet, darunter Metall, Keramik, Gummi, Kunststoff, Holz und Leder. Diese Vielseitigkeit macht ihn zu einem Alleskönner, der in zahlreichen Situationen eingesetzt werden kann. Egal, ob Sie einen Riss in einer Keramikvase reparieren, eine Metallhalterung fixieren oder einen Lederriemen kleben müssen.
Our all-round adhesive and sealing solution is suitable for almost all materials and weather conditions. The one-component, completely waterproof and extra strong universal assembly adhesive glues and seals almost all materials indoors and outdoors. Due to its enormous initial adhesion and final strength, the MS polymer assembly adhesive is ideal for fixing and sealing large material panels, fastening curtain rods and many other areas of application. The universal assembly adhesive is also a perfect alternative to drilling in almost every situation. But the universal assembly adhesive also shines in terms of longevity thanks to its UV and weather resistance. Yellowed and porous areas are a thing of the past. If the glued parts are to be removed at some point, our product can be painted over or removed mechanically.
Note: The universal assembly adhesive is suitable for materials such as wood, glass, metal, ceramics, concrete, natural stone, iron, aluminium, steel and plastics such as PVC. Please use our primer for gluing and sealing difficult-to-glue materials such as PE, PP and PTFE.
Technical properties of the universal assembly adhesive
- Color white
- Skin formation time: 8-10 minutes
- Curing time: 24 hours
- Final strength: 4 hours
- Shore hardness A: 65
- Tensile strength: 157 N/cm²
- Shear force: 196 N/cm²
- Flash point: 93°C
- Elongation at break 286%
- Curing speed: 4.5 mm/24h
- Density: 1.44 g/cm³
- Manufactured on the basis of silane-modified polymers
- moisture curing
- Solvent and shrinkage free
Storage instructions for the universal assembly adhesive
- Apply using a suitable cartridge press
- Minimum application temperature: 5 °C
- Store unopened in a cool, dry place
- Storage temperature between 10°C and 25°C
- Note the best-before date
Instructions for optimal use of the universal assembly adhesive
- The wings must be clean and free of grease and dust. Processing temperature +5°C to +40°C. Adhesion tests are recommended.
- Cut off the cartridge tip at the top of the cartridge and screw the nozzle.
- Cut the nozzle to get the desired angle, bead size and shape.
- Insert the cartridge into the cartridge gun and pull the trigger.
- Apply continuous beads or dots, applying enough pressure to properly apply the mounting adhesive.
Our all-round adhesive and sealing solution is suitable for almost all materials and weather conditions. The one-component, completely waterproof and extra strong universal assembly adhesive glues and seals almost all materials indoors and outdoors. Due to its enormous initial adhesion and final strength, the MS polymer assembly adhesive is ideal for fixing and sealing large material panels, fastening curtain rods and many other areas of application. The universal assembly adhesive is also a perfect alternative to drilling in almost every situation. But the universal assembly adhesive also shines in terms of longevity thanks to its UV and weather resistance. Yellowed and porous areas are a thing of the past. If the glued parts are to be removed at some point, our product can be painted over or removed mechanically.
A notice: The universal assembly adhesive is suitable for materials such as wood, glass, metal, ceramics, concrete, natural stone, iron, aluminium, steel and plastics such as PVC. For gluing and sealing difficult-to-glue materials such as PE, PP and PTFE, please use our primers .
Technical properties of the universal assembly adhesive
- Color white
- Skin formation time: 8-10 minutes
- Curing time: 24 hours
- Final strength: 4 hours
- Shore hardness A: 65
- Tensile strength: 157 N/cm²
- Shear force: 196 N/cm²
- Flash point: 93°C
- Elongation at break 286%
- Curing speed: 4.5 mm/24h
- Density: 1.44 g/cm³
- Manufactured on the basis of silane-modified polymers
- moisture curing
- Solvent and shrinkage free
Storage instructions for the universal assembly adhesive
- Minimum application temperature: 5 °C
- Store unopened in a cool, dry place
- Storage temperature between 10°C and 25°C
- Note the best-before date

Universal - 2K epoxy resin adhesive BPA-free - new - transparent - 25ml
Universal - 2K epoxy resin adhesive BPA-free - new - transparent - 25ml
Our transparent universal 2-component adhesive based on epoxy resin easily masters almost all areas of application and materials indoors and outdoors. The product shines with excellent adhesion and fast curing after mixing the two components. After just five minutes, there is strong hand strength, which is particularly useful when gluing surfaces. But our universal 2-component adhesive based on epoxy resin is also impressive in terms of final strength and durability and impresses with its maximum adhesive strength and adhesive strength with low porosity. Furthermore, the simple application and storage of the universal 2-component adhesive are convincing. By gently pressing the double-chamber tip, the 2 components slide evenly onto the material in the correct mixing ratio of 1:1 and with minimal creep behavior. You can even apply the glue under water if you use a primer first. In addition, the 2-component adhesive with two resealable closure chambers remains unmixed for a long time. Last but not least, the glue is also available free of harmful BPA. With the universal 2-component adhesive based on epoxy resin, there are no limits to your creativity, because it can be mixed with any colorant.
Note: The universal 2-component adhesive based on epoxy resin is suitable for materials such as glass, metal, wood, leather, ceramics, porcelain, jewelry and plastics such as PVC. Please use our primer for plastics such as PE and PP.
Technical properties of the universal 2-component adhesive
- Base: epoxy resin
- Color: transparent, colorless
- Handling strength 5-10 minutes
- Curing time 24 hours
- Viscosity 12,000 - 15,000 mPas
- Cure at 50°C Shear at 25°C: 1 hour 4 N/mm², 24 hours 7 N/mm², 72 hours 12 N/mm²
- Excellent resistance to moisture, water, oil, acids, alkalis, high temperatures and yellowing
- Very good electrical insulation
- Available BPA free
Instructions for the optimal use of the universal 2-component adhesive
- The surface to be bonded must be roughened and clean, dry and free from oil, grease and wax
- Place the two components on a disposable surface and mix thoroughly until a cloudy sticky consistency forms
- Apply the mixture to both surfaces and press together
- The hand strength is reached in 5 minutes, the full adhesive strength within 1 hour and the final strength after 24 hours (at 25 °C)
- Due to the variety of uses of the product and the respective special circumstances (e.g. processing parameters, material properties, etc.), we recommend that the user first carry out their own tests
Storage instructions for the universal 2-component adhesive
- Store away from acids
- Keep away from oxidizing agents
- Keep container in a well-ventilated area

Versatile and stable UV glue - new - transparent - 8g
Versatile and stable UV glue - new - transparent - 8g
The DIP-Tools UV adhesive is a solvent-free, one-component adhesive that is characterized by a short curing time and easy application. Curing takes place by irradiation with UV or visible light. It is suitable for plastics, wood, metal, ceramics and glass, among other things.
Technical characteristics of the UV glue
- Base: acrylic resin
- Viscosity: medium viscosity
- Color: colorless
- Density: 1.04 g/cm³
- Shore hardness A: 75
- Temperature resistance: -40-120°C
- Flash point: 65°C
- Hand strength: > 10s
Instructions for using the glue
- At room temperature, simply open the tube and apply the adhesive evenly. The adhesive clings to the surface. It is recommended to have a cloth ready for wiping.
- Apply glue and join and press the parts to be connected. Then sufficiently irradiate with the UV lamp. The hand strength is reached after at least 10s, for larger surfaces the irradiation is to be increased by an appropriate time.
- Wipe the nozzle after use so that the lid does not stick and then close the tube tightly. After curing, you can sand or file the splice. Because the adhesive can be applied in several layers, it is well suited for processing in two steps: first fix the objects to be glued with a minimal amount and then apply enough material to create a sufficiently stable connection. It is well suited for punctiform connections, not for flat gluing. The contents are sufficient for around 400 applications with punctiform connections.

Waterproof 2k epoxy high performance putty - new - gray - 56g
Waterproof 2k epoxy high performance putty - new - gray - 56g
Knetfix 2-component high-performance adhesive dough from DIP-Tools is a robust all-rounder with an incredibly versatile area of application. The product can be used on a wide variety of surfaces such as ceramics, glass, wood, metal or concrete for gluing, filling, modeling or sealing. In addition, thanks to its UV and weather-resistant properties, the product can be processed indoors and outdoors and even under water. Even heavier loads such as chemicals, oil or petrol as well as extreme cold (-30°C) and heat (+120°C) cannot harm the modeling clay. But our adhesive putty is not only convincing in terms of versatility and longevity. The fast processing and curing time in particular speaks for the 2-component high-performance adhesive putty. The putty can be processed in a full 10 minutes and after just 30 minutes the mass can be further processed by drilling, sawing, sanding, sanding or painting.
Technical properties of the high-performance adhesive putty
- Base: epoxy and polyamine resins
- Processing time: approx. 10 minutes
- Curing time: 12 hours
- Bond Strength: 22Mpa
- Viscosity: 12,000 MPa xs
- Can be painted over and varnished
- Doesn't shrink
- Resistant to water, oil, petrol, UV, heat, cold and many chemicals
Instructions for the optimal use of the high-performance adhesive dough
- Remove dirt, dust and grease/oil from the surface
- Mix Knetfix until a uniform mass is formed. Please wear gloves.
- Carefully press the compound onto the area to be repaired, the total processing time is 10 minutes
- If necessary, use a screw clamp or similar to press on for 15 minutes
- After half an hour, the mass can be further processed (e.g. drilling, grinding, painting, etc.)
- Final strength is reached after 12 hours
Storage instructions for the high-performance adhesive dough
- Keep away from acids
- Keep away from oxidizing agents
- Store in well-ventilated areas

white universal assembly adhesive - new - 290ml
white universal assembly adhesive - new - 290ml
Our all-round adhesive and sealing solution is suitable for almost all materials and weather conditions. The one-component, completely waterproof and extra strong universal assembly adhesive glues and seals almost all materials indoors and outdoors. Due to its enormous initial adhesion and final strength, the MS polymer assembly adhesive is ideal for fixing and sealing large material panels, fastening curtain rods and many other areas of application. The universal assembly adhesive is also a perfect alternative to drilling in almost every situation. But the universal assembly adhesive also shines in terms of longevity thanks to its UV and weather resistance. Yellowed and porous areas are a thing of the past. If the glued parts are to be removed at some point, our product can be painted over or removed mechanically.
Note: The universal assembly adhesive is suitable for materials such as wood, glass, metal, ceramics, concrete, natural stone, iron, aluminium, steel and plastics such as PVC. Please use our primer for gluing and sealing difficult-to-glue materials such as PE, PP and PTFE.
Technical properties of the universal assembly adhesive
- Color white
- Skin formation time: 8-10 minutes
- Curing time: 24 hours
- Final strength: 4 hours
- Shore hardness A: 65
- Tensile strength: 157 N/cm²
- Shear force: 196 N/cm²
- Flash point: 93°C
- Elongation at break 286%
- Curing speed: 4.5 mm/24h
- Density: 1.44 g/cm³
- Manufactured on the basis of silane-modified polymers
- moisture curing
- Solvent and shrinkage free
Storage instructions for the universal assembly adhesive
- Apply using a suitable cartridge press
- Minimum application temperature: 5 °C
- Store unopened in a cool, dry place
- Storage temperature between 10°C and 25°C
- Note the best-before date
Instructions for optimal use of the universal assembly adhesive
- The wings must be clean and free of grease and dust. Processing temperature +5°C to +40°C. Adhesion tests are recommended.
- Cut off the cartridge tip at the top of the cartridge and screw the nozzle.
- Cut the nozzle to get the desired angle, bead size and shape.
- Insert the cartridge into the cartridge gun and pull the trigger.
- Apply continuous beads or dots, applying enough pressure to properly apply the mounting adhesive.